Reach For The Stars - Early Learning Coalition Duval

Reach For The Stars

The Guiding Stars of Duval (GSOD) is a tool for families to identify quality of early learning and child care programs and help guide decision-making. Providers that participate in the GSOD program commit to not only meeting the basic requirements for licensing set by the State of Florida, but they also agree to hold themselves accountable to higher standards.

Programs are measured on important indicators and standards such as teacher education and training, teacher-child interactions, child screenings, and curriculum. Ratings range from one (1) star to five (5) stars.

Click here for a list of current GSOD providers.

Meets a few of the quality standards
Meets some of the quality standards
Consistently good quality
Consistently high quality
Consistently exemplary quality

2023 – 2024 GSOD Providers

Your registration information is being reviewed. You will be contacted within 48 business hours.
