Contact Us - Early Learning Coalition of Duval
Location, Hours of Operation, Directions

Contact Us

Call the ELC of Duval at 904-208-2044 or email

Hours of Operation

Please see hours of operation for each office below.


Southside Office
6500 Bowden Road
Suite 290
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Closed to the public on Fridays

Northside Office
2255 Dunn Avenue, Bldg. 100
Suite 102
Jacksonville, FL 32218

Hours of Operations: Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Closed to the public on Fridays

Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way.

~ George Evans

Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way.

~ George Evans

ELC Leadership Staff

StaffContact Information
Angel Carro
President and CEO
Cheryl Benveniste
Chief Administrative Officer
Johnna Daniels
Grants and Project Officer
Lashonda Hicks
Chief Program Officer
Lisa Zenoz
Chief Operations Officer
Tinesha Byrd
Executive Assistant
Khalida Bendolph
Director of Program Quality and Assessments
Gwen Carmichael
Director of Compliance
Danielle DeCastro
Director of Developmental Health & Inclusion
Katy Droubie
Director of Program Quality and Support
Rosa Fucci
Director of Child Care Resource & Referral
Charlene Gross
Director of Family Engagement
Sheila Mackey
Director of Provider Services
Heather Mooney
Director of Professional Development
Cathie Odom
Director of Finance
Bobby Steely
Director of IT Services
Ann Thompson
Director of Communications
Lisa Tyner
Director of Eligibility
Kathleen Wentworth
Director of Human Resources

ELC of Duval Careers

Careers with Child Care

StaffContact Information
Denise Marzullo,
Tinesha Byrd,
Executive Assistant
Cheryl Benveniste,
Chief Administrative Officer
Angel Carro,
Chief Operating Officer
Johnna Daniels,
Chief Program Officer
Ann Thompson,
Director of Communications
Kendra King,
Director of Human Resources
Cathy Parker,
Director of Provider Services
Lisa Tyner,
Director of Eligibility
Rosa Fucci,
Director of Child Care Resource & Referral
Gwen Carmichael,
Director of Compliance
Jim Ungaro,
Director of Finance
Jennifer Agnew,
Director of Professional Development
Lashonda Hicks,
Director of Program Quality/Assessment
Danielle Decastro,
Director of Developmental Health/Inclusion
Charlene Gross,
Director of Family Engagement

Request for Proposals

The ELC of Duval is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for contractors to purchase Educational and Classroom Materials, Furniture and Equipment, Curriculum and Professional Development Resources, and Consumable Supplies. This RFP seeks qualified contractors who can provide said goods and/or services according to the specifications provided in this RFP. Click here for the RFP.

The ELC of Duval is pleased to share questions received in response to RFP #2025-01 as of 2/6/2025. Click here for a complete list of questions and answers.

Become a Coalition Vendor

The individual or business who wishes to provide services to the ELC of Duval should contact Any vendor accepting a purchase order from the ELC of Duval agrees to the Terms and Conditions and Assurances.

Florida Department of Education Travel Manual

For a copy of the Florida Department of Education Travel Manual, click here.

The ELC of Duval is an approved Live Scan vendor for DCF screenings. Live Scan is available by appointment only and only to providers who are contracted with the ELC of Duval for SR or VPK services. Please contact Tinesha Byrd at 904-208-2044, ext. 208 or


  • $65 – cash or money order
  • Driver’s License or picture ID
  • OCA # with name and address of center

The ELC of Duval is a one-stop resource for information about early learning in Jacksonville and Duval County. If you are interested in having an ELC of Duval representative speak or distribute early learning information at your event please call Ann Thompson at 904-208-2044, ext. 236 or email

Become an Early Learning Advocate and Partner

Early learning begins at birth. Ninety percent of brain growth occurs before the age of five. The gap between children with broad exposure to educational experiences at an early age and children who do not have those opportunities appears as early as 18 months. Individuals or organizations interested in becoming an early learning advocate or partner are encouraged to contact Tinesha Byrd at 904-208-2044, ext. 208 or email

Read From Birth

Young children whose families read them five books a day enter kindergarten, having heard about 1.4 million more words than children who have not experienced daily reading. Individuals or organizations interested in donating new children’s books are encouraged to contact Charlene Gross at 904-208-2044, ext. 240 or email

Children’s Clothing Closet

The ELC of Duval is proud to partner with PNC Bank and the Diaper Bank of Northeast Florida to provide new clothing and diapers for families with children birth to five. To donate to the Clothing Closet, please contact Cheryl Benveniste at 904-208-2044, ext. 269 or email

To report the misuse of funds, please contact the ELC of Duval’s fraud hotline at 904-208-2040, ext. 287. The compliance team will review your complaint and investigate it or refer it to the appropriate agency.

Request a Speaker/Outreach

The ELC of Duval is a one-stop resource for information about early learning in Jacksonville and Duval County. If you are interested in having an ELC of Duval representative speak or distribute early learning information at your event, please call Ann Thompson at 904-208-2044, ext. 236 or email

Complaints about providers may be submitted through DCF.

To report known or suspected child abuse call 1-800-962-2873 or click here to go to the DCF Abuse Hotline site.

The President and CEO will ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Section 1107 and Section 1513 of the Title 18 USC that makes it illegal for the Coalition to punish whistleblowers or retaliate against any Coalition employee who reports suspected cases of fraud or abuse. Coalition employees shall follow the linked policy to report all suspicions of fraud or abuse. Coalition employees shall follow the linked policy (above) to report all suspicions of fraud or abuse. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) Whistleblower Act:

It is illegal for any Coalition’s board member or managing staff to punish whistleblowers or retaliate again any Coalition’s employees who report suspected cases of fraud or abuse (SOX, Section 1107, Section 1513 of Title 18, USC.)

It is a crime for any Coalition’s board member or managing staff or any staff to direct any Coalition’s employee to alter, cover up, falsify, or destroy any document that may be relevant to an official investigation (SOX, Section 1102, section 1512 of Title 18, USC).

This link leads to the machine-readable file that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers.  The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

Your registration information is being reviewed. You will be contacted within 48 business hours.
