Developing a Family Friendly Environment - Early Learning Coalition Duval

Developing a Family Friendly Environment

Early Care and Education
16 Mar 08:30 AM
Until 16 Mar, 11:30 AM 3h

Developing a Family Friendly Environment

place Early Learning Coalition of Duval expand_more

This is a 1-session in person training.  This training is on Saturday, March 16, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  at ELC of Duval – Southside Office.


To register for this class please click on the link below:


This training was written using the Outcomes Driven Training (ODT) model.  The learning objectives for this training are: (1) Participants will define family engagement and have a better understanding of its importance; (2) Participants will identify strategies to improve communication and strengthen relationships with families; and (3) Participants will discuss strategies to create a more welcoming program environment.  

Training content will be taught using lecture, small group work and discussion.


Participants will be required to complete Pre and Post Surveys, an Implementation Plan (IP) and an Overall Training Evaluation.


.5 IACET CEUs will be awarded for this 1-session training. Participants must arrive on time. If you arrive 15 minutes after the start time, you will be allowed to attend the training but will not receive any credit. If you are not in the assigned training room ten (10) minutes before the start of the training, someone "on standby" may take your reservation. In order to receive IACET CEU credit for the training you must attend 100% of the session, actively participate, satisfactorily complete the (IP) and submit the IP by the deadline.



Any individual who displays any symptoms of respiratory illness is NOT permitted to enter any ELC office and will not be allowed to attend the training. Those symptoms are:

 Cough

 Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

 Chills

 Repeated shaking with chills

 Sore throat

 Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than 100.4

This training is designed for Preschool Teachers, Family Child Care Providers, Directors and Owners.

Age Group


Your registration information is being reviewed. You will be contacted within 48 business hours.
